Bed bugs have been eliminated from the US soil sometime in 1940’s and the 1950’s. The use of DDT has been successful in exterminating these pests. International travelling and immigration, however, have brought back to the US the once exterminated, blood sucking pests. The following establishments are said to be the bed bugs exchange centers: 1) Buses, 2) Trains, 3) Cabs, 4) Airplanes, 5) Hotel rooms, 6) Motels and breakfast-inns.
Have you noticed that the places where you can see bed bugs from and out of your clothes are transportation carriage and the places where travellers stay for the night? Correct!. Bed bugs are both travellers and hitchhikers. You must know some methods on how to get the bed bugs out of your clothes when you get into these places.
You cannot get rid of bed bugs from your clothes simply by avoiding the mentioned hotspots. Sometimes, these places cannot be avoided. Let’s accept it – they are part of our lives. However, if you want to keep your house clean and free from bed bugs infestation, check this article below:
Simple Tips on How to Get the Bed Bugs Out of Your Clothes
Tip # 1: If you’re booked in a hotel, you can get bed bugs out of your clothes if you shake off your clean and used clothes the night before you check out. Having bed bugs in your clothes and other things does not mean that you are dirty and stinking. Bed bugs do not stay on a certain spot or place because it is clean or filthy. They stay in an area because they are attracted to carbon monoxide, of which humans exhale, and they suck on human blood.
Tip # 2: To get the bed bugs out of your clothes, you must ensure that the suitcase where you will encase it is bed bugs free. Even if you shake your clothes to get bed bugs out of your clothes, it won’t do good because the very suitcase that will carry your clothes has bed bugs inside.
The night before you leave your hotel, take out any items that you have and the clothes inside your suitcase. Buy a water based insect killer and spray the insecticide around the suitcase. Remember, don’t spray on the inside.
Then place your belongings and other things inside a clean, dry, bath tub. Bed bugs don’t like marbles and ceramics much, so they won’t be present anywhere near the tub. But all the wood furniture near your bed are undoubtedly infested.
Tip # 3: Surer way to get bed bugs out of your clothes is to have all your clothes, whether clean and used, to the laundry. Request the laundryman to soak it in warm water for twenty minutes. Clinging nymps on your used clothes, particularly the clothes you used on bed, will die when soaked in warm water.
Tip # 4: You can rid of bed bugs from your clothes if you will resist the urge to sleep on the bed before you leave. The bed bugs may cling onto your sleeves as its last shot to suck blood from you and stay there before you leave.
Tip # 5: When you get home, remove all your clothing, including your socks, and soak them in warm water for twenty minutes. Do this immediately to avoid spreading bed bugs around your house in case a female bed bug hitched at your sleeve or collar. Did you know that a single female bed bug lays 300 eggs? And adult bed bugs can survive for eighteen months even without feeding.
You might think that by following the tips abovementioned, you may look like a person suffering from obsessive compulsive. This is not true. This is the best and recommended measure to do to avoid having your house getting infested with these nasty bugs. They are very hard to kill once they invade your household. The best remedy for a bed bug infested home is to throw away every furniture around and abandon the house for 3 years. So, which is easier and wiser thing to do? Prevent the bed bugs from invading your house or exterminate them instead?
Tagged with: bed bugs control • pests control
Filed under: Bed Bugs