Bed bugs have long been known to infest our houses. Bed bugs are mentioned in the medieval European texts and in the classical Greek writings as early as the time of Aristotle. They are like unwelcome visitors to our private rooms.
With news of widespread infestation, stories of bed bugs and public health concerns spread like wild fire. However, what is the truth about bed bugs and public health? Should people be alarmed at the risk of bed bugs and public health?
To get a better understanding of bed bugs and public health matters, we must first know about bed bugs. Bed bugs are small, brown, flat insects that feed on human blood. But there are certain bed bugs that feed on wild animals.
Bed bugs and public health concerns regarding a blood-sucking creature found in their most sacred room is what raises panic among the people. Lack of information often provides the wrong impression on bed bugs and public health.
The bed bugs and public health dangers concerning these parasites are often superficial. The normal result of bed bug bites is the itchy, swelling welts on the exposed skin areas during sleep. There are creams that can lessen the swelling and itchiness within minutes of application.
Another result is an allergic reaction to the annoying parasite. But because of the way the bed bug injects some form of animal anesthesia before sucking the blood, some people do not even notice it. No indication appears on their skin.
While bed bugs and public health concerns are true, they are not grave enough to solicit widespread panic. Bed bugs infestations can be treated with insecticide dusting and insecticide sprays. But the homeowner should hire a professional in executing these bed bugs and public health remedy.
The bed bugs and public health concerns that have been created start with bed bug bites being carriers of diseases. This is a valid question considering that another blood-sucking insect is the culprit of a number of diseases like dengue, malaria, and AIDS. Researches have shown that although bed bugs and public health concerns about them as transmitters of diseases, there is no documented case of that possibility.
Another bed bugs and public health issue is the consequences of prolonged exposure to bed bug bites. It is feared that bed bugs and public health concerns about the bites will injure people’s over-all health. The most extreme results for prolonged bed bug bites are, in fact, embarrassment for the marks and loss of sleep.
Though the bed bugs and public health concerns about the bites are not a real cause for panic, it is still something to consult with a doctor. The itchy, swelling welts left by these critters can be mistaken for mosquito bites and that may be the reason for the confusion. It is best to let bed bugs and public health concerns be resolved first before making conclusions.
Contrary to the popular notion that bed bugs thrive in filthy homes and furniture, they don’t. These insects want a warm temperature and likes to live near their victim regardless of how pristine white a person’s house is.
However, the bed bugs and public health infestation issue is a serious matter and requires the attention of buyers of furniture and mattresses. Bed bug infestations can rapidly spread from one home to another because of the creature’s ability to travel.
Frequently, bed bugs are found in motels. Once a bed bug hangs on to your belongings and go home with the same luggage, you have unconsciously contributed to the bed bugs and public health infestation issue.
Bed bugs and public health issues have sent out guidelines that hotels, apartments, motels and other lodging facilities should follow. This is an issue of sanitary procedures. The suggested solution for such bed bugs and public health infestation is to have the furniture pre-treated for bed bugs. It will be expensive but just like termites, you will not regret setting up your defense for these creatures.
Should we truly be alarmed about bed bugs infestation? The answer is “Yes”. The body may react so little to these blood-sucking parasites but when it comes to being invaded by these tiny creatures, people should fight back to have their dignity returned.
Filed under: Bed Bugs